Tuesday 1 March 2016

My kind of exercises..

Hey guys! I've updated a new topic to my blog. Feel free to read and enjoy  :)

First thing first, I would like to tell you that the best exercise that works on me is jogging
hahahhaaha I jog whenever I want to, even though when it's night.

okay next, I'm enjoying swimming too. Bila balik rumah je mama mesti bawa pergi Putrajaya untuk swimming. BEST GILA OKAY kalau u pandai swimming la ;P

Do you wanna know what is the next kind of my exercises? BINGO! It's  
Dancing !

Basically, dancing has been one of my hobbies since I was in secondary school. Even sekarang pun kalau balik and there's no one at home, I will put on make up (just to feel confidence) and wear my best clothes to dance, then apa lagiii kita enjoyyyy ! Even time masak pun, I can't stop myself from dancing, I will switch on the TV kat dapur then buka radio and here we go... dance like a pro (ceh perasan). Nak lagi best, I will make a video afterwards. My best friends have seen them all btw:) I love to memorize the tutorial or steps of dancing videos that I've watched. oh yeah I have a photo to share with you guys 


They are my friends who joined the dancing show with me. Masa ni kitorang dance kat IOI Resort. There are about 100 guests. Nervous? nahh I'm not that kind of shy person. I was enjoying myself on the stage with chamak challo and desi girl song.

Last but not least, of course it is workout .
So how much do you know about workout? Workout is a kind of exercise that you do in order to improve your fitness, ability or performance. What kind of workouts that you can do? There are a lot of activities, it's depends on which parts of your body that you focus more to build muscles. As for myself, I do a lot of legs workout sbb kaki besar sgt as compared to other body parts. Examples of legs workout are squats, lunges, side lunges, calf raises,jumping jacks, leg raises, burpees, etc.. There are a lot of them to be listed. For abs lagi lah banyak. For butts, jeng jeng lagi laa kena banyak buat squat. hahaha 


dulu lepas SPM rajin juga lah ikut abang pegi unisex gym tapi sekarang tak ada partner to go with, segan pula sbb banyak laki 

Don't make it as an excuse to not work your ass out then. Kat rumah pun boleh. Antara rajin dengan malas je sebenarnya.

Thanks for spending your time reading my blog, have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. you have a very good hobby, good for your health!
    and very interesting too. looking forward to your upcoming updates!
